Friday, December 27, 2019
My Personal Philosophy of Education Essay - 681 Words
Philosophy of Education Education is the process of learning that can take place anywhere and at any time. I believe that creativity and activity as well as books and lessons are essential to the learning process. As a teacher, I hope to instill in the children a sense of knowledge and self-worth that will remain with them throughout their lives. Education is important not only to maintain daily life, but also to become someone who contributes to society. Without education people have no chance to impact the lives of others in their own community. I want to give the children I teach a chance to give back to their community and society. Although ethics and morals are constantly being†¦show more content†¦Wanting to become a kindergarten teacher, I strongly believe in the value of good elementary schools. I think the emphasis of the curriculum should be on the four major subjects: language, math, science, and social studies. The extras, computer, art, music, and physical education, should be taught as well, but without the strong emphasis. I believe this because I have seen many students in high schools that cannot recall basic knowledge in the major subjects because either they were not taught it or it was not emphasized to the extent needed to remember it. In terms of philosophy, I feel I benefit most from the pragmatic approach to teaching. This approach states that teachers feel the classroom is a community of learners, not just a teacher standing in front of a group of students. I believe this is true because it is my opinion that if the teacher is learning and exploring along with the students, the students are more likely to be involved and interested in what is being taught. I also believe the strategies of teaching by problem solving and encouraging democratic procedures are the most profitable in today’s society. My beliefs in student involved activities, emphasis of curriculum, and democratic classroom management are all part of the pragmatic approach. My plans are to become an early education teacher. Preferably pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade teacher. I will always be a kidShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education1046 Words  | 5 Pagesmanipulate the information for their own use in the future. Choosing between the four, I would say my philosophical views line up more as an essentialist. My philosophy of education, is that every teacher and student has an environment where they are challenged, yet still encouraged, in their instructional matter and teaching and learning strategies to prepare them to meet the goals set upon them. A philosophy is a search for wisdom in a particular area; it builds a framework of thinking, and guides instructionalRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education997 Words  | 4 Pages Philosophy of Education Discovering the place where personal values and expertise meet organizational values and needs offers a dynamic partnership opportunity. Mutual achievement of organizational academic quality and professional fulfillment provides a positive learning environment. Developing a personal philosophy of education enables an educator to understand and communicate the underlying basis for his or her approach to education. Sharing this philosophy provides valuable information forRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1476 Words  | 6 Pages871 Foundations of Higher Education Summer 2015 Instructor: Joel Abaya, PhD Personal Philosophy of Education Submitted by: Wessam Elamawy . Personal Philosophy of Education Introduction: From the very beginning of my life I recognized the importance of higher education. I am 34 years old. I am Egyptian. I was born in a highly educated family . My father earned a Ph.D. in chemistry. My uncle earned a Ph.D. in Engineering . My aunt is a doctor. My grandparents were highly educatedRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy of Education958 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Education It is customary that on New Year’s Eve, we make New Year resolution. The fact is that we are making a set of guideline that we want to live by. These are motives that we seek to achieve. In a similar way, teachers live by philosophy. This essay focuses on my personal philosophy of education. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Child Labor During A Nike Factory - 1666 Words
CHILD LABOR IN A NIKE FACTORY IN PAKISTAN Abstract This paper especially focuses on the problem of Child Labor in Pakistan with respect to the case of the world-renowned sports brand Nike and its use of children in its factories in Pakistan. A set of laws that can be established to eradicate this evil from Pakistan have been elaborated upon in the paper, these proposals include the Trafficking Victim Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), the International Human Right Treaty by the General Assembly, International Criminal Court (ICC), penalty laws for businesses practicing child labor, system to inspect workplaces for child labor and holding employers responsible for the education of the employed children. The recommendations section of the paper deals with methods beside laws that can aid in the eradication of child labor and includes negative publicity, introducing a rating mechanism and dealing with competing (and ethically more sound) organizations. Outline I. Introduction: A. Thesis statement: Because child labor is practiced in Pakistan at a Nike factory, I propose the Trafficking Victim Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), the International Human Right Treaty by the General Assembly, International Criminal Court (ICC), and negative publicity to mitigate the problem. II. Analyses the problem: A. Child Trafficking affects children in several ways including: 1. It harms the child 2. Some children work for little pay, giving them low income (Srivastava,Show MoreRelatedChild Labor During A Nike Factory3612 Words  | 15 Pages CHILD LABOR IN A NIKE FACTORY IN PAKISTAN Sumiah Alharbi 04/06/15 H.T Law 791 Prof. Sarah Buel Abstract This paper especially focuses on the problem of Child Labor in Pakistan with respect to the case of the world-renowned sports brand Nike and its use of children in its factories in Pakistan. A set of laws that can be established to eradicate this evil from Pakistan have been elaborated upon in the paper, these proposals include the Trafficking Victim Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA)Read MoreUnethical Business Practice: Nike1499 Words  | 6 Pages The role of the government also plays a major role in these challenges that are faced by Nike. As we know that government laws and regulations differ from country to country and this makes manufacturing of products very difficult challenge for the international companies like Nike. The host governments have laws concerns against consumer protection, information and labeling, employment, wages and salaries and safety of the workers who work in those firms. The international organizations must keepRead MoreNike Business Case Study1380 Words  | 6 PagesEven though every company should act ethically correct, not everyone does and Nike is a great example of that. 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Many of its suppliers that supported unions for subcontractors with less reputable labor rights records were rejected by Adidas between 2006 and 2007. Adidas was also criticized for being racist. a picture of a pair of Jeremy Scott-designed shoes containing shackles was posted on june 14,2012 by Adidas on their facebook page  . The pictureRead MoreNike : Managing Ethical Organization1288 Words  | 6 PagesNike: Managing Ethical Missteps- Sweatshops to Leadership in Employment Practices Founded in 1972, Nike is one of the world’s leading distributors of sporting equipment and apparel. The company faces stiff competition from brands such as Reebok and Adidas and must keep their prices low to remain competitive. 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Their innovative technology and unique designs have inspired generations of athletes, to go beyond their limits and put their bodies to the test. For this reason, a basketball player and resistance trainer like myself invested in a pair of Nike Kobe 8 Elites, to provide me with the pr oper traction and support during my strenuous physical activityRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemmas Of Nike1327 Words  | 6 Pages This paper will discuss the company Nike. Nike has had many ethical issues, which will be addressed. The ethical dilemmas that Nike faced will be evaluated under two ethical frameworks. The whistleblower part that was played in exposing Nike will be analyzed. This paper will evaluate whether Nike used marketing or public relations successfully when trying to repair the damage caused by the reported lapse in ethics. The company Nike operates in over 50 different companies. This
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Pride is Temporary, Pain is Forever free essay sample
This is a paper about the horrors of war. It uses examples from the book Company K to show how horrific WWI was. This paper discusses the emotions one feels fighting a war. The author believes that there is not as much pride in fighting a war as there is emotional pain after the war. Included are examples of many war heroes. War has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in people. During the build-up for war, a sense of pride and duty swells in the hearts of those involved, especially those going to do the fighting. They feel a sense of duty, like they are making a difference in the world, and sometimes they are. But sometimes, this pride is unfounded, the people involved are not in fact going to make a difference, and they wont figure this out until the brutal realities are experienced firsthand. We will write a custom essay sample on Pride is Temporary, Pain is Forever or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These realities have a way of inflicting immeasurable pain in those involved; sometimes this pain is physical and incurable, sometimes the pain is emotional and incurable. The thing that is common is that those involved carry the scars of war long past the signing of a peace treaty, and these scars last much longer than any sense of pride the soldiers once held so dear.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Sonnet 29 free essay sample
In the poem, sonnet 29, William Shakespeare uses three different tones to describe the speaker’s mood and attitude toward his state. The speaker resembles Shakespeare’s life in 1592, a time when London’s theatres were closed down because of the plague. Using three tones; despair, jealousy, and hope, the speaker’s feelings are successfully portrayed in this sonnet. This poem is a traditional sonnet, with the first eight lines, an octave, showing the dark, depressing mood of the speaker. Suddenly a happy, more joyous tone, the sonnet transitions to a sestet, the last six lines of the poem. The first tone that is portrayed is despair. Because of the plague, all of the actors and playwrights had very little work to do since all of the theatres had been closed down. The poem reads, â€Å"When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state. †Shakespeare uses these lines to illustrate how alone and lost the speaker feels. We will write a custom essay sample on Sonnet 29 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because there aren’t any plays to write or perform, he is making very little money, and feels in disgrace with fortune. However, as the sonnet continues, we see the speaker’s mood lighten. In the second part of the octave, we see the speaker’s second tone portrayed. The speaker is now feeling jealous of what other people have, and starts to wish that he was better looking, and had more friends. â€Å"Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, desiring this man’s art and that man’s scope. †The speaker is envious of others, but his emotions start to change, and he goes from being jealous of others to relatively happy rather quickly. In the sextet, the last part of the poem, we see a hopeful or happy tone. Shakespeare illustrates the speaker as a happy person that is content with his state. The first four lines of the sestet illustrate how when the speaker started to think about his lover, he immediately transitioned to a happy state. â€Å"Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, haply I think on thee. †The speaker started to think about his partner, then about whom he really is, and it made him become at peace with himself. In the third to last line, the poem reads, â€Å"Sings hymns at heaven’s gate. †Earlier in the poem, in the third line, the poem reads, â€Å"And trouble heaven with my bootless cries. †This comparison, from when the speaker is depressed and crying out to heaven without an answer, to when the speaker has been lifted out of his depressed state, illustrates how much has changed in the speaker’s countenance throughout the poem, and how thinking of one person can completely change your views on life. This poem, with its three different tones, really illustrates how down life can get, but how one person can instantly change the way you feel. The last two lines of the poem wrap up the entire sonnet. They read, â€Å"From thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, that then I scorn to change my state with kings. †The speaker started to think about that one person, and realized that even with all the wealth that he could have, he wouldn’t trade his current position in life for anything.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A Timeline and History of the Olmec Civilization
A Timeline and History of the Olmec Civilization Olmec: An Introduction The Olmec civilization is the name given to a sophisticated central American culture with its heyday between 1200 and 400 BC. The Olmec heartland lies in the Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco, at the narrow part of Mexico west of the Yucatan peninsula and east of Oaxaca. The following is an introductory guide to the Olmec civilization, its place in Central American prehistory, and some important facts about the people and how they lived. Olmec Timeline Initial Formative: 1775-1500 cal BCEarly Formative: 1450-1005 cal BCMiddle Formative: 1005-400 cal BCLate Formative: 400 cal BC While the very earliest sites of the Olmec show relatively simple egalitarian societies based on hunting and fishing, the Olmecs eventually established a highly complex level of political government, including public building projects such as pyramids and large platform mounds; agriculture; a writing system; and a characteristic sculptural artistry including enormous stone heads with heavy features reminiscent of angry babies. Olmec Capitals There are four main regions or zones that have been associated with Olmec by the use of iconography, architecture and settlement plan, including San Lorenzo de Tenochtitlan, La Venta, Tres Zapotes, and Laguna de los Cerros. Within each of these zones, there were three or four different levels of hamlets of different sizes. At the center of the zone was a fairly dense center with plazas and pyramids and kingly residences. Outside of the center were a somewhat sparser collection of hamlets and farmsteads, each at least economically and culturally tied to the center. Olmec Kings and Rituals Although we dont know any of the Olmec king names, we do know that the rituals associated with king included an emphasis on the sun and reference to solar equinoxes were built into platform and plaza configurations. Sun glyph iconography is seen on many locations and there is an undeniable importance of sunflower in dietary and ritual contexts. The ballgame played an important role in Olmec culture, as it does in many central American societies, and, like those other societies, it may have included human sacrifice. The colossal heads are often sculpted with headgear, thought to represent ball player wear; animal effigies exist of jaguars dressed as ball players. It is possible that women also played in the games, as there are figurines from La Venta which are females wearing helmets. Olmec Landscape The Olmec farms and hamlets and centers were situated on and next to a diverse set of landforms, including floodplain lowlands, coastal plains, plateau uplands, and volcanic highlands. But the large Olmec capitals were based on high places in the floodplains of big rivers such as Coatzacoalcos and Tabasco. The Olmec coped with recurring floods by building their residences and storage structures on artificially raised earth platforms, or by rebuilding on old sites, creating tell formations. Many of the earliest Olmec sites are likely buried deep within the floodplains. The Olmec were clearly interested in color and color schemes of the environment. For example, the plaza at La Venta has a striking appearance of brown soil embedded with tiny bits of shattered greenstone. And there are several blue-green serpentine mosaic pavements tiled with clays and sands in a rainbow of different colors. A common sacrificial object was a jadeite offering covered with red cinnabar. Olmec Diet and Subsistence By 5000 BC, the Olmec relied on domestic maize, sunflower, and manioc, later domesticating beans. They also gathered corozo palm nuts, squash, and chili. There is some possibility that the Olmec were the first to use chocolate. The main source of animal protein was domesticated dog but that was supplemented with white-tailed deer, migratory birds, fish, turtles, and coastal shellfish. White tailed-deer, in particular, was specifically associated with ritual feasting. Sacred places: Caves (Juxtlahuaca and Oxtotitln), springs, and mountains. Sites: El Manati, Takalik Abaj, Pijijiapan. Human Sacrifice: Children and infants at El Manati; human remains under monuments at San Lorenzo; La Venta has an altar showing an eagle-clad king holding a captive. Bloodletting, ritual cutting of part of the body to allow bleeding for sacrifice, was probably also practiced. Colossal Heads: Appear to be portraits of male (and possibly female) Olmec rulers. Sometimes wear helmets indicating that they are ballplayers, figurines, and sculpture from La Venta show that women wore helmet headgear, and some of the heads may represent women. A relief at the Pijijiapan as well as La Venta Stela 5 and La Venta Offering 4 show women standing next to men rulers, perhaps as partners. Olmec Trade, Exchange, and Communications Exchange: Exotic materials were brought in or traded from far places to the Olmec zones, including literally tons of volcanic basalt to San Lorenzo from the Tuxtla mountains, 60 km away, which was carved into royal sculptures and manos and metates, natural basalt columns from Roca Partida. Greenstone (jadeite, serpentine, schist, gneiss, green quartz), played a clearly important role in elite contexts at Olmec sites. Some sources for these materials are the gulf coastal region in Motagua Valley, Guatemala, 1000 km away from the Olmec heartland. These materials were carved into beads and animal effigies. Obsidian was brought in from Puebla, 300 km from San Lorenzo. And also, Pachuca green obsidian from central Mexico Writing: The earliest Olmec writing began with glyphs representing calendrical events, and eventually evolved into logographs, line drawings for single ideas. The earliest proto-glyph so far is an Early Formative greenstone carving of a footprint from El Manati. The same sign shows up on a Middle Formative monument 13 at La Venta next to a striding figure. The Cascajal block shows many early glyph forms. The Olmec designed a printing press of sorts, a roller stamp or cylinder seal, which could be inked and rolled onto human skin, paper, or cloth. Calendar: 260 days, 13 numbers and 20 named days. Olmec Sites La Venta, Tres Zapotes, San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Tenango del Valle, San Lorenzo, Laguna de los Cerros, Puerto Escondido, San Andres, Tlatilco, El Manati, Juxtlahuaca Cave, Oxtotitln Cave, Takalik Abaj, Pijijiapan, Tenochtitlan, Potrero Nuevo, Loma del Zapote, El Remolino and Paso los Ortices, El Manatà , Teopantecuanitln, Rà o Pesquero, Takalik Abaj Olmec Civilization Issues The Olmec Civilization is at the center of the mother-sister controversy, which is a debate concerning the relative strength of the Olmec society compared to other early Mesoamerican cultures.The Cascajal Block, a large block found in a quarry that may be among the earliest written records in central America, andThe search for bitumen sources, which was an important resource to many archaeological societies in central America. Olmec bloodletting spoons have a new explanation these daysWas chocolate first used and domesticated by the Olmec? Sources Blomster JP, Neff H, and Glascock, MD. 2005 Olmec Pottery Production and Export in Ancient Mexico Determined Through Elemental Analysis. Science 307:1068-1072.Diehl RA. 2005 Patterns of Cultural Primacy. Science 307:1055-1056.Flannery KV, Balkansky AK, Feinman GM, Grove DC, Marcus J, Redmond EM, Reynolds RG, Sharer RJ, Spencer CS, and Yaeger J. 2005. Implications of new petrographic analysis for the Olmec ‘‘mother culture’’ model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(32):11219-11223.Follensbee BJA. 2008. Fiber technology and weaving in formative-period Gulf Coast cultures. Ancient Mesoamerica 19:87–110.Henderson JS, Joyce RA, Hall GR, Hurst WJ, and McGovern PE. 2007. Chemical and archaeological evidence for the earliest cacao beverages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(48):18937-18940. Joyce RA, and Henderson JS. 2007. From feasting to cuisine: Implications of archaeological research in an early Hondura n village. American Anthropologist 109(4):642–653. Joyce RA, and Henderson JS. 2010. Being Olmec in Early Formative Period Honduras. Ancient Mesoamerica 21(1):187-200.Kaufman T, and Justeson J. 2007. Writing the history of the word for cacao in ancient Mesoamerica. Ancient Mesoamerica 18:193-237.Pohl MD, and von Nagy C. 2008. The Olmec and their contemporaries. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. London: Elsevier Inc. p 217-230.Rodrà guez Martà nez MdC, Ortà z Ceballos P, Coe MD, Diehl RA, Houston SD, Taube KA, and Alfredo DC. 2006. Oldest Writing in the New World. Science 313:1610-1614. Sharer RJ, Balkansky AK, Burton JH, Feinman GM, Flannery KV, Grove DC, Marcus J, Moyle RG, Price TD, Redmond EM et al. 2006. On The Logic Of Archaeological Inference: Early Formative Pottery And The Evolution Of Mesoamerican Societies. Latin American Antiquity 17(1):90-103.Wendt CJ, and Cyphers A. 2008. How the Olmec used bitumen in ancient Mesoamerica. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27(2):175-191.Wendt CJ, and Lu S -T. 2006. Sourcing archaeological bitumen in the Olmec region. Journal of Archaeological Science 33(1):89-97.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Gandhis Salt March
Gandhi's Salt March On March 12, 1930, a group of Indian independence protesters began to march from Ahmedabad, India to the sea coast at Dandi some 390 kilometers (240 miles) away. They were led by Mohandas Gandhi, also known as the Mahatma, and intended to illegally produce their own salt from the seawater. This was Gandhis Salt March, a peaceful salvo in the fight for Indian independence. Satyagraha, an Act of Peaceful Disobedience The Salt March was an act of peaceful civil disobedience or satyagraha, because, under the law of the British Raj in India, salt-making was banned. In accordance with the 1882 British Salt Act, the colonial government required all Indians to buy salt from the British and to pay a salt tax, rather than producing their own. Coming on the heels of the Indian National Congresss January 26, 1930, declaration of Indian independence, Gandhis 23-day-long Salt March inspired millions of Indians to join in his campaign of civil disobedience. Before he set out, Gandhi wrote a letter to the British Viceroy of India, Lord E.F.L. Wood, Earl of Halifax, in which he offered to halt the march in return for concessions including the abolition of the salt tax, reduction of land taxes, cuts to military spending, and higher tariffs on imported textiles. The Viceroy did not deign to answer Gandhis letter, however. Gandhi told his supporters, On bended knees, I asked for bread and I have received stone instead- and the march went on. On April 6, Gandhi and his followers reached Dandi and dried seawater to make salt. They then moved south down the coast, producing more salt and rallying supporters. Gandhi is Arrested On May 5, the British colonial authorities decided that they could no longer stand by while Gandhi flouted the law. They arrested him and severely beat many of the salt marchers. The beatings were televised around the world; hundreds of unarmed protesters stood still with their arms at their sides while British troops smashed batons down on their heads. These powerful images stoked international sympathy and support for the Indian independence cause. The Mahatmas choice of the salt tax as the first target of his non-violent satyagraha movement initially sparked surprise and even derision from the British, and also from his own allies such as Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel. However, Gandhi realized that a simple, key commodity like salt was the perfect symbol around which ordinary Indians could rally. He understood that the salt tax impacted every person in India directly, whether they were Hindu, Muslim or Sikh, and was more easily understood than complex questions of constitutional law or land tenure. Following the Salt Satyagraha, Gandhi spent nearly a year in prison. He was one of more than 80,000 Indians jailed in the aftermath of the protest; literally millions turned out to make their own salt. Inspired by the Salt March, people across India boycotted all kinds of British goods, including paper and textiles. Peasants refused to pay land taxes. The Government Attempts to Quell the Movement The colonial government imposed even harsher laws in an attempt to quell the movement. It outlawed the Indian National Congress, and imposed strict censorship on Indian media and even private correspondence, but to no avail. Individual British military officers and civil service employees anguished over how to respond to non-violent protest, proving the effectiveness of Gandhis strategy. Although India would not gain its independence from Britain for another 17 years, the Salt March raised international awareness of British injustices in India. Although not many Muslims joined Gandhis movement, it did unify many Hindu and Sikh Indians against British rule. It also made Mohandas Gandhi into a famous figure around the world, renowned for his wisdom and love of peace.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Contemporary art and Def jam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Contemporary art and Def jam - Essay Example The essay "Contemporary art and Def jam" discusses one such new art form, a variant of poetry reading known as def jam. As civilization progressed, so did art as it branched out into other forms, such as the performance arts of song, dance, and theater. The objective is the same, which is to show an artist's ideas through his or her body of work, to highlight creativity and expression known as aesthetics. As language developed, so did the transmission of ideas through the printed word as in literary art works of short stories, epics, novels, and essays although some kinds of primitive art form still exist in the form of the verbal arts, like poem recitation or the telling of a story by a professional storyteller directly to audiences. There are practically no limits to the form an art can take, constrained perhaps only by the creative imagination of an artist. The two basic art forms are visual and performance art; both possess characteristics of being mimetic, meaning it mimics something found in the real world as its representation. Modern society has witnessed newer art forms due to an advent of advanced technologies like the ability to record sound and images through audio and visual techniques like in video disks.Def jam is also known as def poetry jam or def poetry slam; it is a variant of poetry readings that were so popular in previous centuries, even as part of religious rites in the form of prayers, hymns, and incantations. Poetry reading is rather sedate in that the audience is expected. to stay silent during the entire reading performance, appreciative of the poet's actual physical presence. Like the other art forms of jazz, hip-hop and rap music, it derived primarily from the black American community as a subtle form of political protest. Many blacks still feel that the aims of the Civil Right Movement were not achieved despit e an abolition of slavery after the end of Civil War; discrimination still exists in many forms, both overt and subvert in education, politics, housing, employment, health care, society, etc. Def jam is classified as performance art as it is an interactive form of poetry reading; the audience is not expected to stay silent, but rather try to show its appreciation by the intensity of audience reaction. It no longer considers poetry reading as private art (Novak 40) but rather as a public performance. The sing-song tone is similar to that of rap or hip-hop music, with rhyming insults, suggestive comments, and innuendos very common. This is the main attraction of def jam, because although its message is basically the same, that of a silent political protest and making a substantive statement, its continued popularity since its inception two or three decades ago is its unconventional way a message is delivered. Although def jam owes its provenance to the protest movement, the current ve rsions delve on a variety of topics. No topic is sacred or off limits, as the saying, anything goes in it; the more controversial, challenging, or unusual the topic of the poem is, the more an audience shows its appreciation for the sheer talent exhibited by the artist-poet, complete with all props, actions, gestures, appropriate dress, tone of delivery, and volume of voice but the message is a constant attraction. It is the essence of def
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